GS Miscellaneous Software & Utilities
- Apple II Desktop v1.1 (Apple Computer Inc.)
- A Macintosh-style desktop for 8 & 16 bit II's. Works best with
128k+ computers. Early GS GUI. Will not work with a joystick; in lieu
of a mouse, use the ESCAPE key to highlight the menu bar, use the arrow
keys to move and use OA+ commands to perform the various required
functions. Use 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. 2 versions available - one for
800k disks; one for 140k disks.
- TransWarp GS CDev v2.7 (Control Panel Freeware by Dave Leffler)
- This Control Panel is used to view system speed accelerated by a
TransWarp GS card. It also has the ability to set the speeds of the card
on the fly (3 speeds). Once unshrunk, the resulting file must be called
TWGS.CDEV or it may not work. A ShrinkIt GS version and a Self Extracting
Archive version are included.
- Desk Color CDev (Control Panel Freeware by Dave Leffler)
- This Control Panel is used to create custom desktops on your GS, also
allowing you to put patterns on the desktop. Move the Desk.Color1 folder
into the Systems folder and copy the COLOR.CDev into the CDev folder.
Reboot your GS for the CDev to take effect. Use 'ShrinkIt GS' to open the
archive. Runs on GS/OS under ProDOS 16.
- ProSEL 16 v8.84 (by Glen Bredon)
- A top notch program selector and collection of utilities to manage
your files and to provide optimal performance for your system. Placed
in the public domain by the author. Please read the included text file
for important information regarding this archived version and copyrights.
- HFS Patch
- This patch fixes a disk-trashing error in the HFS FST available
for System 6.0.1. HFS partitions allow file compatibility between GS and
Mac. Use 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand.
- G.U.P.P. v1.07 (Freeware by Nathan Mates)
- The 'Grand Utility Patch Program', designed to fix various bugs in
System 6.0.1. Use 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs on GS/OS under ProDOS 16.
- Cheap Paint
- A good quality shareware paint program noted for its ease-of-use. Use
'GSCII+' to decode. May require 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs on GS/OS
under ProDOS 16.
- FastCopy GS v2.2.1a (by Tom Peng)
- A fast disk copy program for 3.5" and 5.25" disks. Use 'GSCII+' to
decode. May require 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs under ProDOS 8. Requires
minimum 512K memory.
- UtilityWorks GS
- A shareware utility program featuring file search, text, launcher and
other abilities. Use text editor to read documentation. Use 'GSCII+' to
decode. May require 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs on GS/OS under
ProDOS 16.
- Virus Checker
- This basic program tells you what to do in checking all your programs
for possible viruses. Used to check all Apple programs in the CCN PDA.
Use 'GSCII+' to decode. May require 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs
under ProDOS 8.
- SuperPrint v1.25
- Produces hardcopy output of text and TML files. Use 'GSCII+' to
decode. May require 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs on GS/OS under
ProDOS 16.
- A program that allows GS users to format 3.5" disks in DOS 3.3 for
storing older non-GS programs. Use 'GSCII+' to decode. Use 'ShrinkIt
GS' to expand. Runs under ProDOS 8.
- Photonix v1.46 (Not HD Installable)
- This great GS copy program expands onto an 800K 3.5" disk and not
hard drive installable. Created by the FTA. Use 'GSCII+' to UU-decode.
Use 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs on GS/OS under ProDOS 16.
- DOS 3.3 Launcher
- This program allows GS owners to run the thousands of Apple II
programs that run under the older DOS 3.3 operating system. It makes an
image file of the program and saves it as a ProDOS 16 data file. Use
'GSCII+' to decode. May require 'ShrinkIt GS' to expand. Runs on GS/OS
under ProDOS 16.
- An ISO CD formatted to HFS to use in Cider Press for PC users to copy
files to use in your IIGS emulator or on your real IIGS with cd-rom. Use
your regular PC unzipping utility to open archive. Users with questions
can send them to: comp.sys.apple2, the on-going Apple II newsgroup/forum.
Please note: This is not PC software. It is a blank cd formatted to HFS
so PC users can use Cider Press to copy Apple II software to. As it is in
ISO format, users can use their own burning software to make real CDs, to
be used in a cd-rom on a IIGS. It can also be mounted in a drive using
Virtual Clone drive on a PC and used in any IIGS emulator on a PC or Mac
that can mount .iso files.